Sga Annualconference2023 14Nov23 168

Bystander intervention: challenging behaviours to create an inclusive culture

Nate and Rachel draw on their work on the prevention of violence against women and girls through sport and in communities, and their experience of implementing bystander intervention around axes of difference and inequality, including race, disability, seniority, sexuality, age and gender.

2023 Conference recordings


Bystander intervention is a critical component in creating a more equal world and in establishing an environment where people can feel safe and included. Complementing the conference’s themes of values, culture and integrity, this session will explore how being an active bystander puts these positive values into practice.

Nate and Rachel will draw on their work on the prevention of violence against women and girls through sport and in communities, and their experience of implementing bystander intervention around axes of difference and inequality, including race, disability, seniority, sexuality, age and gender.





Dr Nathan Eisenstadt

Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol/Director, Kindling Interventions

Dr Rachel Fenton

Associate Professor in Law, University of Exeter/Director, Kindling Interventions