071019 014

Chairing Masterclass & Networking

Led by expert trainers, this session brings together experienced chairs and facilitates topical and in-depth discussion, encourages experience-sharing and provides a networking opportunity.

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If meetings are to be genuinely effective, the role of the chair is key. All who are involved in chairing meetings in sports organisations should be proactive in providing the necessary leadership at meetings. Taking ownership of the development of the range of chairing skills will contribute positively to the effectiveness of meetings held and by extension the quality of the decision-making processes within organisations.

The purpose of this session is to bring together experienced chairs and facilitate discussion between them, encourage information-sharing and provide a networking opportunity. Compared with the Effective Chairing Skills course, there will be less emphasis on teaching and presentation, with the convenors rather facilitating discussions and supplementing conversations where necessary, including with appropriate material from the first course.

This event will be delivered in-person and will include a combination of topic discussion and networking.

Attendees will be provided with pre-session questionnaires and requests to suggest themes of interest/topicality in order to fully understand their areas of concern and to identify principal talking points that can be incorporated into the day’s discussions.

Provisional Programme
Time Session
12.45 Registration

What concerns you about chairing meetings?

  • Open discussion

Chairing capability - group discussion

  • The chair as the leader of the meeting
  • Understanding participants’ behaviour
  • Drawing the best out of each participant
  • Chairing difficult situations
  • Overcoming barriers to robust decision-making

Two key strands of assertiveness and challenge will run through the session

15.00 Break
15.15 Networking - shared experiences
17.00 Close


Course leaders

Rob Robson

Rob is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Greenwich Business School and a management development consultant. He has been a member of The Chartered Governance Institute for over 30 years. Through his organisation, TMF, he specialises in the design & delivery of a range of seminars and training courses tailored to the needs of both large corporations and small businesses.

Phil Davis

As the Managing Director of TMF Training, he develops and delivers a wide range of management workshops and training programmes.
Together with Rob Robson, Philip has been delivering courses through TMF over a number of years and to a variety of audiences, both nationally and internationally.

Philip’s training style is highly participative and interactive; his delivery is thought provoking and challenging. He continually questions the status quo and encourages others to do the same; to explore to re-examine and to think creatively to see if there is ‘a better way’. In a global competitive environment with intense pressure to deliver results, this is an approach he rigorously defends.

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