Cascading good governance
In this essay, Chris Pringle from The Football Association provides an in-depth account of the implementation of the Code of Governance for County Football Associations. This presents to the SGA community an example of how a major NGB is addressing the principle of ‘cascading’ good governance which became a requirement under the revised Code for Sports Governance.
Date: 29th Jul 2022
Author: Chris Pringle, The Football Association
In this essay, Chris Pringle from The Football Association provides an in-depth account of the implementation of the Code of Governance for County Football Associations. This presents to the SGA community an example of how a major NGB is addressing the principle of ‘cascading’ good governance which became a requirement under the revised Code for Sports Governance.
Chris details the rationale behind the implementation of the CFA Code, explaining why it was felt it was needed and the benefits its seeks to provide to the County network. He provides a description of the process of implementing the initiative, the difficulties presented along the way, and the practical steps put in place to overcome these and to bring the network along on the journey to improved governance.