
About the Child Protection in Sport Unit

Safeguarding and welfare

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is part of the NSPCC and is funded by Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Wales and UK Sport. (In Scotland, there is a similar partnership between Children 1st and sportscotland.)

The CPSU was founded in 2001 in response to a series of high-profile cases of abuse of young athletes. Its aim is to help improve safeguarding and child protection practices within sports organisations, to ensure all children and young people are safe while participating in sports.

The unit plays a strategic role in the landscape of sport in the UK. It works directly with UK Sport Councils, National Governing Bodies (NGBs), Active Partnerships and other organisations. The CPSU supports organisations to implement and maintain safeguarding practices, to minimise the risk of abuse and ensure that sport stays safe and enjoyable for all those involved.

For more information, visit the CPSU website.