
366 results. Showing items 291-300:

  1. 240219 045

    Risk, risk management and control

    Managing risk and providing control for your organisation are two vital components in developing good governance in sports.

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  2. Ba4ff7e3a83acc0cbba59addf0e69913c7eea486


    How can whistleblowing help mitigate risk in sports governance?

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  3. 046 03042023


    How to set up and run effective committees for your sports organisation

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  4. 071019 040

    Audit committee

    The audit committee delivers oversight of internal and external audits and the financial reporting and controls operating within an organisation

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  5. Southwark Tigers 0234 (1)

    Basics of committees

    An introduction to the basics of setting up and running committees

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  6. 240219 040

    Nomination committee

    The nomination committee sets the framework for the board itself through its recommendations for appointments, evaluations of composition, and planning for future succession

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  7. 241119 016

    Other committees

    Also known as ad hoc committees, these are often formed for a specific task, purpose or objective with clearly defined deliverables

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  8. Referee

    Related tools

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  9. 071019 068

    Remuneration committee

    Of all committees of the board, the remuneration committee has elements that are imperative in its successful functioning, including transparency of outcomes, clarity of deliverables and independence of action from the board or influencers

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  10. 221019 004

    Ethics and culture

    Setting the tone from the top and embedding it throughout the organisation

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